Contains reduced starch and higher fat and fibre content (commonly referred to as low glycemic)
Delivers sensible calories (energy) needed for performance and maintaining body condition.
Helps minimize excitability. Suitable for horses that “tie-up”.
Proven to effectively regulate glycemic and insulin response.
Suitable for horses with a history of laminitis, Cushing’s Disease or insulin resistant.
Helps minimize gut upset (colic) by preventing starch overload in the hindgut.
Contains high pectin and hemicellulose fibre. Does NOT contain economical fibre sources like oat hulls
A highly fermentable fibre source providing needed calories for performance.
Helps maintain a healthier hindgut pH and microbial population.
Contains 6% Fat from vegetable sources
Highly digestible and energy/calorie dense. Less feed required to maintain body condition.
Clean burning fuel, does not produce lactic acid and spares glycogen levels for enhanced athletic performance.
Contains Yeast Culture
Improves hindgut fermentation which increases energy, protein and phosphorus utilization.
Contains elevated and added amino acids including Methionine
Provides building blocks for improved muscle and joint development and milk production.